Aids for bitches in heat & false pregnancy [Part 3]
From a biological point of view, false pregnancy and false motherhood are completely normal. In some bitches, this phase of the cycle is more intense than in other bitches. Behavioural changes and reduced activity are initially no cause for concern. Normally, anoestrus, i.e. the resting phase of the cycle, should be initiated after about 4 weeks at the latest and then the behavioural changes usually subside again. If the behavioural changes are mild, no further action is necessary. Bitches can be distracted by increased mental exercise. If the bitch shows severe changes in temperament, which show a certain degree of suffering (e.g. depressive mood, violent aggressive behaviour), or physical problems, such as mastitis, the bitch can be supported with natural or medicinal aids in consultation with the vet.
If difficulties with false pregnancy and false pregnancy occur frequently, the bitch can be supported prophylactically at the beginning of each heat.
You should definitely take your dog to the vet if she shows the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Inflammation of the udder (bacterial mastitis)
- Milk flow (galactorrhoea) with swollen mammary glands
- Purulent mammary discharge
- Severe depressive moods
- Unusually pronounced aggression
Bitches in heat and bitches that are currently in heat or experiencing a false pregnancy are generally a little sluggish. During the false pregnancy, there may be an increased refusal to leave the house. Proper exercise can help you and your bitch to make this time as pleasant as possible.
Every bitch goes into heat differently, but her activity level drops significantly. To make sure you keep your dog sufficiently busy, you should focus on mental exercise. Among other things, you can do ideal impulse control exercises. We even have free training plans for you to download, which you can practice in impulse control for beginners, advanced or professionals. This has the nice side effect that impulse control generally pays off in everyday dog life.
When taking your dog for a walk, aim for short walks, but take her out frequently. Bitches in heat need and want to come out more often than bitches not in heat. We can also give you the following tips for your walk:
- If you live in an urban area, perhaps take your dog for a walk outside the city centre
- If possible, choose off-peak times, i.e. times when it is less busy
- Keep your dog on a Leash (on a Long Leash if necessary)
- Avoid dog meadows or areas where there are lots of dogs (so-called dog hotspots)
- Point out to oncoming dog people that your dog is in heat and no contact is desired (and your dog may show behavioural changes)
- Do not let your dog go into the water as the risk of inflammation may be higher due to the swollen vulva
Domestic measures
Panties in heatNicht jede Hündin benötigt ein Läufigkeitshöschen. Soviel schon mal vorab. Es gibt Hündinnen, die sehr reinlich sind und ihr Blut direkt wieder auflecken. Andere Hündinnen hingegen lassen das Blut einfach da. Auch die Felllänge spielt eine entscheidende Rolle. Während langes Fell den Blutausfluss auffängt und die Hündin dann nur noch sich selbst reinigen muss, ist das bei einer Hündin mit kurzem Fell nicht möglich. Generell ist es empfehlenswert, der Hündin in ihren ersten beiden Läufigkeiten die Möglichkeit zu bieten, sich an die Situation zu gewöhnen und möglichst kein Läufigkeitshöschen zu verwenden. Die ersten beiden Läufigkeiten (vorallem die Erste) verlaufen generell a-typisch. Das bedeutet, dass auch die Hündin sich zunächst damit zurechtfinden sollte, was in ihrem Körper passiert. Ein Läufigkeitshöschen kann da ein zusätzlicher Stressfaktor sein, den wir nicht empfehlen.
When choosing a heat period panty, make sure that it does not cut in and allows enough air to pass through so that no unwanted inflammation occurs. We personally had the heat period panty custom-made for Amalia and use commercially available sanitary towels with wide wings, which we stick into the heat period panty and change regularly. |
Order and cleanliness
To keep the household clean, it is a good idea to protect carpets and other textiles. Carpets can be removed as a precaution during the heat, as blood stains are not always easy to remove. In addition, a prepared mop or a vacuum robot with suction and mopping function is suitable for quickly mopping the floor and cleaning up blood stains. If your dog is allowed on the sofa or even bed, you can cover both with a suitable blanket to protect the bed and sofa. By the way, we have already summarised for you in this blog whether a dog is allowed on the bed or sofa. In this blog you will also find more tips for a clean household with a dog with recipes for natural and dog-friendly household cleaners to download.
In order to prevent milk coming in, many vets recommend reducing the amount of food a little. This is supposed to inhibit milk production. We personally advise caution with this tip, because on the one hand food is an important basic need and too little food can increase frustration and on the other hand changes in feeding can encourage stress.
Nest building & toysTypisches Verhalten, das vorwiegend in der Phase der Scheinmutterschaft gezeigt wird, ist der Nestbau. Beim Nestbau tendiert die Hündin dazu, Spielzeug und vor allem Kuscheltiere zu horten und diese als Ersatzwelpen zu behandeln. Damit dieses Verhalten nicht stark ausgeprägt wird, empfehlen wir dir bereits mit dem Beginn der Läufigkeit, Spielzeug, das weich und kuschelig ist, wegzuräumen. Auch quietschendes Spielzeug muss weggeräumt werden. Während der Läufigkeit ist das Spielzeug noch nicht von Bedeutung für die Hündin und stellt dann kein grosses Trennungsproblem dar. Während der Scheinmutterschaft hingegen, kann das Wegräumen von Spielzeug ein regelrechtes Problem für die Hündin werden. Sie empfindet es, als ob ihr die Welpen regelrecht entrissen werden. Das führt zu Störungen in der Beziehung zwischen dir und deiner Hündin und kann bei ihr einen starken Trennungsschmerz verursachen und Ressourcenverteidigung begünstigen.
Cuddling units
Many bitches need a lot of closeness and affection during their heat, but also afterwards during false pregnancy and false motherhood. If you would like to find out more about the cycle, take a look here. You can find more information about the difference and behavioural changes during false pregnancy and false motherhood here. Seeking closeness and contact leads to the release of the bonding hormone "oxytocin". Among other things, oxytocin is also called the cuddle hormone. Oxytocin builds an intimate bond between you and your dog and creates a sense of belonging. Oxytocin also reduces stress and anxiety in you and your dog.
When cuddling, be careful not to stroke your dog's belly or teats, as this can stimulate milk production.
During heat and later during false pregnancy and false pregnancy, aids can help the bitch to alleviate a painful process. The main aim here is to balance the hormones and prevent or balance a severe low in progesterone and a high in prolactin. Because the more balanced the hormonal process is, the easier it is for your bitch. In addition, medication can inhibit milk production and mammary inflammation in the event of existing difficulties with false pregnancy and false pregnancy.
The following remedies are for information purposes only, please ask your vet or veterinary practitioner if the remedy is suitable for your dog and her health history and symptoms.
Asa foetidaAsa Foetida can be given to your bitch as globules for 2-3 weeks in the potencies D4 to D6. It is suitable for restlessness and nervousness. In the case of false pregnancy and false motherhood, it initially helps with the mood swings caused by the falling progesterone. It is also suitable as a remedy for gastrointestinal complaints (also in the abdomen). |
BelladonnaBelladonna is obtained from the belladonna plant. Belladonna contains the toxin atropine, which acts on the nervous system. Belladonna in the potency D30 is mainly used for sudden symptoms that can occur during false pregnancy and false pregnancy. Belladonna is mainly used for inflammatory complaints, such as inflammation of the udder. |
IgnatiaIgnatia in potency D30 is suitable for bitches that show a strong potential for aggression during false pregnancy or false motherhood, but are otherwise rather friendly bitches. It can be administered once daily for 2-3 weeks. It is not suitable for bitches with other symptoms (e.g. swollen mammary glands). |
PhytolaccaPhytolacca can be administered to your bitch three times a day for seven days in potency D3. Phytolacca mainly has a positive influence on the glands and therefore also on the mammary glands. It can help with swollen mammary glands of the bitch that are not hardened. If it does not subside after seven days, you should take your bitch to a veterinary practice. |
PulsatillaPulsatilla in potency D30 is said to help with a whole range of complaints and is therefore often used for women's complaints such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, infertility, menopause and menstrual disorders. It is recommended for bitches if the bitch shows a pronounced maternal instinct and suffers from swollen teats. |
In the case of false pregnancy, milk may come in. In general, this is not a problem in itself. If the bitch begins to lick her udder intensively, milk production is stimulated again. In addition, licking can promote inflammation of the udder. The top priority is therefore to keep the bitch away from the udder. To break this cycle, it makes sense to prevent the bitch from licking the udder. The body can prevent the bitch from constantly going to the udder. If this measure alone is not sufficient and inflammation or heavy milk flow still occurs, you should take your bitch to the nearest veterinary practice. She will then be given prolactin inhibitors. Cooling pads, wraps, cooling ointments or milking are not recommended.
Also remember to practise such equipment with the dog beforehand so that the body does not cause additional problems.
Oestrus inhibitors (conventional medicine)
Oestrus is the phase in the bitch's cycle in which she signals her readiness to mate. This phase can either be postponed or prevented using progestogens (e.g. the active ingredient Proligeston). The hormone is administered to bitches that are in anoestrus to prevent them from going into heat. Repeated administration can prevent heat in the long term, but as the side effects can be very severe, this is not advisable. To suppress oestrus, the hormone is administered in prooestrus. The hormone progestogen can also be used to help with false pregnancies. Caution! A real pregnancy should definitely be ruled out before hormones are administered.
Prolactin inhibitors (conventional medicine)
In the case of a severe course of false pregnancy and false pregnancy, vets mainly administer prolactin inhibitors. This type of medication (such as Galastop) prevents the release of prolactin. Prolactin is mainly responsible for the typical nest-building behaviour and milk production in false pregnancy. With the help of prolactin inhibitors, mammary glands recede, milk production is inhibited and typical symptoms of the bitch subside after a few days.
Under no circumstances should it be administered to pregnant bitches, as it favours miscarriages and abortion. As it is a hormone preparation, bitches with liver and kidney disease should also not be given prolactin inhibitors.
CBD (natural product)Hormonelle Veränderungen können Stimmungsschwankungen begünstigen. Im Blog zur Scheinträchtigkeit und Scheinmutterschaft wurde das bereits ausführlich im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall des Hormons Progesteron erklärt. CBD wird über die Cannabinoid-Rezeptoren entfaltet. Im Gegensatz zum Mensch besitzt der Hund mehr Cannabinoid-Rezeptoren. Das verursacht, dass Hunde empfindlicher auf CBD reagieren. Mehr zu CBD beim Hund findest du übrigens in diesem Blog. Die Cannabinoid-Rezeptoren befinden sich im Cannabinoid-System, welche hauptsächlich im zentralen Nervensystem und im Immunsystem aufzufinden sind. Das Cannabinoid-System reguliert unter anderem die Stressreaktion, die Verdauung und auch das Emotionsempfinden. Das Endocannabinoid-System steht in engem Zusammenhang mit der Regulierung des endokrinen Systems, also dem Hormonsystem. Bei regelmässiger Einnahme von CBD Öl, kann der Hormonhaushalt der Hündin reguliert werden, indem das Endocannabinoid-System unterstützt wird. |
Raspberry leaves (herbs)
Raspberry leaves are often referred to as the "woman's herb" because they are said to strengthen the uterus and the pelvic area and at the same time relax the uterus by stimulating blood circulation. They are mainly administered as tea. In bitches, raspberry leaves can reduce the course of false pregnancy and false pregnancy by adding the raspberry leaves fresh, dried or as tea to the feed. 1.5g of raspberry leaves are infused with 100ml of boiling water and 30ml per 10kg body weight of the bitch are administered per day.
Monk's pepper (natural product)
Monk's pepper has an effect on progesterone deficiency, as it stimulates the body's own progesterone production. As already explained in the blog on false pregnancy and false motherhood, the drop in progesterone during the bitch's cycle favours a subdued, depressed mood. In general, monk's pepper has a hormone-regulating effect, which is why it has a mood-balancing effect and can have a good influence on the bitch's strong mood swings. As the effect of monk's pepper is slow to appear, you should give your dog monk's pepper at the first sign of heat.
Monk's pepper must not be given during pregnancy, lactation or tumours in the mammary gland!
Parsley & sage (herbs)
Parsley and sage can help with a bitch's milk flow. However, it may take some time for the two herbs to take effect. To stop the milk flow, you can mix two tablespoons of parsley and two tablespoons of sage into your bitch's food twice a day until no more milk comes out. Make sure that your bitch is only given parsley and sage when she is not pregnant. If she is pregnant, this would be counterproductive.
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