Rest and stress - What happens in the dog's body [Part 2]


In the first part of the series on the subject of dogs and rest, we looked at how much rest and how much activity a dog needs. An adult and healthy dog needs to rest for around 16-20 hours. Puppies or old dogs need more than 16-20 hours of rest. If a dog cannot calm down on its own, it needs the help of a human to guide it. Some dogs, on the other hand, find their peace and quiet on their own. However, the urge to be busy can degenerate and become excessive or even pathological due to incorrect exercise. You can find more information on this topic in the blog "How much rest and activity does your dog need?

How to recognise that your dog is over-excited in certain situations

  • Your dog is barely responsive or no longer responsive at all
  • You are hardly noticed and there is little orientation
  • the muscles are tense and the ears are alert
  • the dog does not lie down and is constantly on the move
  • Despite exercise, your dog does not calm down
  • your dog shows a lot of howling, whining, whining, barking, trembling
  • often over-jumping behaviour such as biting the Leash, excessive digging, jumping nervously at people, etc.
  • your dog shows no signs of tiredness and demands more exercise
  • Food is refused

Rest and stress, what happens in the dog's body?

Sleep and rest have a major influence on our dogs' experience of stress. Stress can be divided into eustress, which describes normal and manageable stress, and distress. If the stress is harmful and overwhelms your dog, this type of stress is called distress.

Eustress can lead to increased performance. this is caused by the neurotransmitter dopamine. dopamine in the body creates a feeling of happiness, but can also be addictive, as it promises rewards. this makes sense in hunting behaviour, because all animals that hunt use it to ensure their survival. in everyday life with dogs, the extreme release of dopamine can promote nervous and intrusive behaviour - keyword "ball junkies".

In addition to the stress hormone adrenaline, the stress hormone cortisol is released a short time later. The excess cortisol can have a short-term activating effect on your dog, but in the long term a permanently elevated cortisol level is dangerous to his health. After stressful situations, your dog needs a lot of rest time to process the stress hormone cocktail in his body. It can even take several days (approx. 48 hours) for the cortisol level to regulate itself. If you expose your dog to situations that lead to distress several times in a row, your dog will not have the opportunity to regulate his stress level.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases in the body during stressful situations. In the short term, it can help the dog to protect the body from stress. However, if cortisol levels are regularly high, cortisol has a negative effect on your dog's psyche and state of health.

The same applies to dogs that are overly active in addition to stressful situations. Excessive does not mean occasional day walks or activity on the dog sports field 1-2 times a week - it means that the dog is not in a state of stress. Excessive means that 80-90% of the day regularly consists of activity rather than rest. Dogs that are exposed to too much exercise and activity and receive too little rest have a sleep deficit. If the dog does not rest, it cannot reduce the excess cortisol. Sleep and rest are necessary for general stress reduction because the stress hormone cortisol is broken down during sleep. Other processes in the hormone balance also take place during sleep, with a positive effect on the metabolism, the immune system or growth.

4 hours of walking and 20 hours at home can also be too much activity for your dog. Territorially insecure dogs expend an enormous amount of energy during a walk. The regeneration time of an insecure dog is longer than that of an environmentally secure dog. In addition, 20 hours at home does not mean rest and relaxation at the same time. You have to teach your dog to be calm if he does not calm down on his own.

Gerne schwirrt der Gedanke in den Köpfen der Hundemenschen, dass ein ausgelasteter Hund besser hört. Dass Auslastung und Beschäftigung mit deinem Hund notwendig ist und Langeweile so manches Problemverhalten bei Hund weckt, ist nachvollziehbar. Der Beschäftigungsgrund sollte jedoch kein Auspowern sein, sondern ein gesundes Mass an Reizen, Eindrücken, Bewegung und Ruhemöglichkeiten. Ein erhöhter Cortisolspiegel weckt beim Hund den Drang nach Bewegung, um das überschüssige Cortisol mithilfe von Aktivität zu verstoffwechseln. Es entsteht ein Teufelskreis: Aus einem gestressten Hund wird ein hyperaktiver Hund, der gestresst ist. Ruhe- und Schlafmangel führt zu Nervosität, Konzentrationsmangel und Anspannung. Als Hundemensch weckt das Verhalten des Hundes die Vermutung, der Hund benötige mehr Bewegung. Falsch! Was ein solcher Hund benötigt, ist Ruhe! Schlafmangel ist nicht nur eine Folge von Stress, sondern zugleich der Ursprung von weiteren gesundheitliche Beschwerden und Problemverhalten. Als Hunde

Aids for lack of rest

Rest can be supported by various aids in addition to exercises. It is important to mention that aids promote rest, but without training they are not effective. In our blog you will find effective rest training with free training plans. The aids work on different levels. The effectiveness is different for each dog and must be tested individually for you and your dog. We will introduce you to some natural aids that are very successful for some dogs and have no effect at all on others. The simple rule here is: try them out!


Music therapy is widely used in some areas in humans. Music can promote relaxation in dogs. Findings by Lindig et al (2020) suggest that animals (not just dogs) appear less stressed or anxious when exposed to classical music. To date, there is little research examining music and relaxation in relation to animals. Music can provide relief from anxiety in the home environment. In most studies, quiet time and duration of barking were assessed and measured as indicators of stress. Measured by cortisol levels and heart rate, classical music could induce calm. In addition to the genre, conditioning and association with experiences and the music can also have a good effect. If your dog always lies relaxed next to you while you listen to your favourite music, the positive experience can lead your dog to calm.


CBD can be used in many ways as a natural supplement for dogs and humans. Dogs have their own endocannabinoid system, which is why CBD can also be supportive for them . CBD is an active ingredient of the hemp plant, which is extracted from the female plant. Unfortunately, there is not much evidence that CBD has the same positive properties in dogs as in humans. However, it is believed that CBD can help dogs with pain, cramps, anxiety and stress, to support the immune system or against inflammation. But it is important to know that it is used as a support and not as a sole problem solver.

If you are planning to give your dog CBD, make sure it is of high quality and organically grown. There are special CBD manufacturers for dogs. The dosage should be increased slowly. It is best to seek advice from a specialist.


Camomile, lavender and valerian have long been said to have a calming effect - on both dogs and humans. The herbs can be given to the dog via the food to work internally or as an essential oil via a diffuser. The herbs should be started during a calm phase. Only use high-quality and carefully prepared herbs and essential oils.

Caution. essential oils can be dangerous for dogs as they can overwhelm their sensitive sense of smell and cause symptoms of poisoning, skin irritation, respiratory problems and gastrointestinal upset. some essential oils are toxic to dogs and there is limited scientific research on their effects. it is important to consult a vet and use diluted essential oils specifically designed for dogs. dogs can also be allergic to essential oils and mucous membranes can become irritated, leading to sneezing, coughing and discomfort. it is advisable not to vaporise or nebulise essential oils around dogs to avoid potential irritation.


The RelaxoPet is a device that emits specially tuned sounds for dogs, cats or horses, depending on the device. We could not find any evidence or studies that confirm the effectiveness of the RelaxoPet. Some dog people have already had good experiences, others noticed no difference. However, if we think of conditioned relaxation, you can use the RelaxoPet to condition relaxation without disturbing humans because the sounds are hardly perceptible to humans. If you set up the RelaxoPet at home in a quiet environment as a relaxation sound while the dog relaxes, after a while the RelaxoPet can also be used in stressful situations (e.g. when driving a car) without disturbing you.

Zylkène and Adaptil

Zylkène and Adaptil can be used as natural remedies to promote relaxation. Both remedies promote calmness in temporary, transient stressful situations.

Zylkène is made from skimmed milk. The calming effect is due to α-casozepine, which is produced in the intestines of puppies while they are digesting their mother's milk. α-casozepine in turn enhances the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid). GABA is responsible for all functions related to emotions, including stress. Adult dogs no longer produce α-casozepine, but the effect remains. Zylkène therefore creates the familiar comforting feeling in adult dogs and helps them to react more calmly to stressful situations.

Adaptil is now available in different product forms: as a Collar, as tablets, as an atomiser for the socket or as a spray. Adaptil works in the form of pheromones. Pheromones are messenger substances that help dogs to obtain information about each other. A mother dog releases pheromones through her udder to give her puppies a feeling of safety and security. Adaptil sends these pheromones into your dog's environment and gives him a sense of security. The feeling of security in turn creates relaxation.


Ist die Unruhe bei deinem Hund auf Angst zurückzuführen, kann ein Thundershirt weiterhelfen. Thundershirts sind eng anliegende T-Shirts für deinen Hund, die gleichmässige Kompression auf den Körper einwirken, sodass es beruhigend wirken soll. Das ist verwandt zum Pucken bei Babys. Die Kompression soll eine enge Berührung nachahmen, die Geborgenheit vermittelt. Das Tellington TTouch Körperband ist im Gegensatz zum T-Shirt variabler einsetzbar, bedarf aber mehr Übung beim „Binden“. Wir empfehlen bei beiden Hilfsmitteln diese bereits mehrfach vorher anzuwenden, bevor sie in wichtigen Situationen angewandt werden. Ob und wie beruhigend beides auf deinen Hund wirkt, wirst du selbst herausfinden, indem du deinen Hund beobachtest. Hunde, die Harnesses oder andere Kleidung als störend empfinden, werden wahrscheinlich sowohl das Thundershirt wie auch die Körperbänder als unangenehm wahrnehmen. Die beruhigende Wirkung ist somit individuell vom Hund abhängig.

Vitomalias Fazit

Ruhe und Stress haben einen großen Einfluss auf den Körper von Hunden. Stress kann in Eustress und Distress unterteilt werden. Eustress kann zu gesteigerter Leistungsfähigkeit führen, da der Neurotransmitter Dopamin ausgeschüttet wird. Allerdings kann eine übermäßige Ausschüttung von Dopamin zu nervösem Verhalten führen. Bei Stress werden die Stresshormone Adrenalin und Cortisol freigesetzt. Während Adrenalin kurzfristig aktivierend wirkt, kann ein dauerhaft erhöhter Cortisol-Spiegel gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen. Nach stressigen Situationen benötigt der Hund ausreichend Ruhezeit, um den Stresshormonspiegel zu regulieren. Ein Mangel an Ruhe und Schlaf führt zu einem Anstieg des Cortisol-Spiegels. Übermäßige Bewegung und Aktivität ohne ausreichende Ruhephasen können zu Schlafdefiziten führen. Schlaf und Ruhe sind wichtig für den Stressabbau, da während des Schlafs das Cortisol abgebaut wird und positive Auswirkungen auf den Hormonhaushalt hat. Es ist wichtig, ein gesundes Gleichge

How do rest and stress affect my dog's body?

Rest and stress have a major impact on dogs' bodies. While periods of rest reduce stress and contribute to recovery, stressful situations can lead to the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can have long-term negative effects on a dog's health.

What is the difference between eustress and distress?

Eustress refers to normal and easily overcome stress that can lead to increased performance, while distress describes harmful stress that overtaxes the dog and has a negative impact on its well-being.

How does dopamine affect the dog's body?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released during eustress and can create a feeling of happiness. However, excessive dopamine release can lead to nervous behaviour and even addictive behaviour, such as ball junkies.

What are the effects of an elevated cortisol level?

A short-term elevated cortisol level can help the dog to cope with stress, but a permanently elevated cortisol level is dangerous to health and can lead to problems with the psyche and general state of health.

Why is sufficient rest and sleep important for dogs?

Rest and sleep are necessary to enable the body to reduce stress. During sleep, the stress hormone cortisol is broken down and other positive processes take place in the hormone balance, which have an effect on the metabolism, the immune system and growth.

Can too much exercise and activity be harmful?

Yes, excessive exercise and activity without sufficient rest can lead to sleep deficits and increase cortisol levels in the body, which can lead to nervous behaviour, lack of concentration and tension.

How can I teach my dog to be calm?

As a dog owner, it is important to allow your dog to get enough rest, especially after stressful situations. Create calm environments where the dog can relax and make sure he gets enough sleep. A balance between activity, rest and sleep is crucial for your dog's well-being. Additionally, use our trainings to promote calmness in your dog.