Tips for long car journeys with a dog
Whether it's a holiday, a visit to family or a house move, sometimes long journeys in the car are unavoidable. As it can be equally stressful for dogs and their owners, we would like to give you some tips and tricks to make these trips together as pleasant as possible.
In this article, we will look at various aspects of a long car journey with a dog, such as the right preparation, suitable equipment, safety, break planning and activities to make the time in the car as pleasant as possible for your furry companion.
Table of contents
About our journey
We are travelling to Sweden for a workation. Our destination is Swedish Lapland, more precisely Kiruna, which is located directly on the Arctic Circle and with a bit of luck and good weather conditions you can observe the Northern Lights between September and March.
It's over 3000 km from Basel to Kiruna, which means 46 hours by car. To keep it pleasant for us and the dogs, we plan several stops: Hamburg, Malmö and Stockholm. 1-2 more spontaneous stops follow after Stockholm. On the journey from Switzerland to Sweden, we travel through Germany, Denmark and finally enter Sweden.
With a dog, this means that you must observe the entry regulations or transit regulations of the respective countries when travelling with a dog. Special entry regulations often apply to so-called listed dogs. Each country defines which breed is defined as a listed dog differently. For example, the Rottweiler may be considered a listed dog in some countries, but not in others. The best and most random information can be found either on the website of the customs of the respective country or mainly on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture. Find out in good time about the entry regulations of your holiday destination and the countries you will be passing through with your dog.
Our packing list
Travelling with your dog means equipping yourself for all eventualities. You often don't even know what situation you'll find yourself in abroad in terms of veterinary care, zoological products such as Dog Food or even smaller accessories such as poop bags. We always travel according to the motto: "Better to carry than need". For faraway destinations, it's also a good idea to have sufficient food provisions and a first aid kit, as well as equipment that you'll need locally. Of course, many things are individual or depend on your holiday destination.
You can download our packing list free of charge as a checklist so that you are properly prepared when travelling with your dog. Click on the button below and log in to our member area. If you don't have an account yet, register without obligation.
Preparing for the long journey
Planst du mit deinem Hund in den Urlaub zu fahren? Dann wirst du kaum um den Gedanken drumherum kommen, eine Autofahrt mit deinem Hund zu planen. Den Hund mit im Auto zum Urlaubsziel mitzunehmen, hat viele Vorteile. Im Gegensatz zum Flugzeug kann dein Hund in deiner Nähe reisen und muss nicht im Gepäckraum in einer Box reisen. HundehalterInnen kleinerer Hunde bis zu 6 kg Körpergewicht können ihren Hund teilweise sogar mit in den Passagierraum des Flugzeugs mitnehmen. Für Hunde über 6 kg Körpergewicht fällt diese Option aus und kann viel Stress und Angst bedeuten. Listenhunde sind entweder gar nicht, oder nur unter besonderen Auflagen im Flugzeug gestattet. Auch der Zug ist nicht immer eine Option und so ist das Auto für lange Reisen die beste und flexibelste Option. Wir persönlich haben uns bewusst für einen Bus entschieden, damit wir genügend Stauraum und auch ausreichend Platz für die Hunde haben. Sie können sich auf ihrem Platz einkuscheln und bei Bedarf aufstehen und sich einmal ordentlich s
Visit to the vet
Before you set off on a long car journey, it's important to have your dog checked by a vet. Make sure all vaccinations are up to date and your dog is in good health. If necessary, discuss possible solutions to travel sickness or stress with the vet. Don't forget to take your dog's vaccination record and any important medical records with you.
In Europe, there are some country-specific diseases that can affect dogs. Here is a list of some countries and the respective diseases you should be aware of:
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, southern France:
- Leishmaniasis: A parasite infection transmitted by sandflies that can cause skin changes, weight loss and organ failure.
- Babesiosis: A tick-borne disease that can cause fever, loss of appetite and anaemia.
- Dirofilariasis (heartworm): A disease transmitted by mosquitoes that can cause heart and lung problems.
Eastern Europe (e.g. Poland, Hungary, Romania):
- Canine ehrlichiosis: A tick-borne disease that can cause fever, lethargy and a tendency to haemorrhage.
Scandinavia (e.g. Sweden, Norway, Finland):
- Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE): A viral disease that can cause neurological symptoms such as incoordination, paralysis and seizures.
United Kingdom:
- Canine borreliosis (Lyme disease): A tick-borne bacterial infection that can cause joint pain, fever and lethargy.
- Alabama red: A rare but potentially fatal disease that causes skin lesions and kidney failure.
Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
- Canine borreliosis (Lyme disease): As in the UK, this tick-borne bacterial infection can cause joint pain, fever and lethargy.
Safety in the car
In road traffic, the dog is considered a load and it is mandatory for loads to be adequately secured to prevent them from slipping, falling over, rolling back and forth and falling down - especially in the event of emergency braking or a sudden evasive movement. If this is not the case, it can lead to a fine.
There are several ways to secure a dog in the car:
- Seat belt: A seat belt for dogs can be attached to the back seat or rear seat to keep the dog safe while travelling.
- Transport box: A transport box can be used to transport the dog safely and comfortably in the car. There are different types of transport boxes, some are suitable for the boot and others for the back seat.
- Dog guard: A dog guard can be used to secure the dog in the boot and prevent it from coming forwards.
- Dog seat: A special dog seat for the car can be used to transport the dog safely and comfortably in the car.
It is important to note that the choice of securing option depends on the size and weight of the dog as well as the space available in the car.
- Car window guards and sun protection: Car window guards are a practical solution so that your dog can enjoy fresh air during the journey without the risk of jumping out or injuring himself. They allow you to partially open the window without your dog being able to reach out. In addition, sun protection on the side windows can help to keep the temperature in the car pleasant and protect your dog from direct sunlight.
Don't forget other useful items such as a collapsible water bowl to offer your dog water on the road or a cooling mat to keep him cool on hot days. A well-packed travel bag with food, treats, toys, poo bags and any necessary medication rounds off the equipment for a long car journey with your dog.
Tips for long car journeys with a dog
Before the car journey
Before the car journey even begins, some dogs experience unconscious stress. This can be due to preparations and inadequate or inappropriate exercise, which can cause dogs to struggle to calm down during the journey. Fortunately, you can provide the right stimuli in advance of the journey and by keeping your dog occupied to ensure that your car journey together is as pleasant as possible.
Packing, loading the car and planning: dogs sense the rising excitement. While some dogs are simply excited about what's about to happen, other dogs can be completely freaked out. So if you notice that your dog is over-excited and stressed, you can offer him something to calm him down or keep him occupied. This can be a stuffed food toy or a treat mat.
If possible, your dog should not eat anything for 4 hours before a long car journey so that he doesn't feel sick during the journey. If we are leaving particularly early, we plan several smaller portions throughout the day. If we are leaving at 6 a.m., for example, we obviously don't set the alarm clock at 2 a.m. to feed the dogs. In such a case, we divide the daily ration into 4-5 portions and the dogs receive one portion before departure and the small "snacks" repeatedly distributed as a search game during a break at the motorway service station or just like that.
Employment & capacity utilisation
We recommend an extensive walk with your dog before the car journey. You should not exhaust your dog or let him "ramp up" with ball games. Rather, focus on exercise in the sense of dexterity, balance or climbing. This allows your dog to be physically active and prevents unnecessary endorphin release. At the same time, your dog must concentrate on exercises and movements that require his concentration. Mental exercise helps your dog to calm down during the car journey. In addition, you can keep your dog busy with intensive nose work in the form of dummy searches or food scattering.
Your dog should always be transported safely in the car in accordance with the regulations. It is very helpful to make the dog area a little cosier. Many dogs find it helpful to snuggle up comfortably during the journey. Take your favourite blanket or place with you to support your dog. In our experience, it is more pleasant for our dogs to have a small, cosy dog area than a lot of space to move around. Dog crates are safe for your dog transport, but can cause more anxiety for many dogs. Specially made transport cushions with a belt system can be a good alternative.
Travel time is also part of management. if you are travelling in summer, it can be very tiring for your dog, depending on the car. early evening journeys, for example, are more pleasant for many dogs in summer. in addition, each dog has its own "active time". use what you know about your dog to use the active time for the walk and only set off when your dog would be snoozing anyway.
Support for
Not every dog can cope with long car journeys: some dogs get sick to their stomachs, others are stressed by the car in general or the noise of the car frightens your dog.
Timed feeding before the car journey can already help to trigger unnecessary nausea in the dog. If this does not help, you can seek help from a vet. There are various natural and chemical remedies that can support your dog. We recommend that you always test active ingredients a few times on short journeys beforehand. It does not always have to be something prescription-only, but sometimes natural remedies are enough. In other cases, however, the natural remedy does not work, in which case your dog needs something else. Support your dog with the administration of remedies as much as necessary and as little as possible. This is individual.
Bei Stress und Geräuschangst kann ebenfalls eine Beratung bei Tierarzt helfen, herauszufinden, welches Mittel deinem Hund bei der Autofahrt helfen kann. Natürliche Mittel wie CBD, Zykléne, Adaptil oder Baldrian können ausreichen, um deinem Hund eine entspannte Reise zu bieten. Sowas sollte immer schon Tage bis Wochen vorher verabreicht werden. Die Erfahrungsberichte sind sehr unterschiedlich. Hilft das alles nicht, dann sollte dich dein Tierarzt dabei beraten, das richtige Mittel für deinen Hund zu finden. Achtung! Bitte achte darauf, dass dein Hund kein Sedativum (z. B. Wirkstoff Acepromazin) vom Tierarzt erhält. Typische Sedativa sind Vetranquil, Sedalin, Calmivet und Prequillan. Sie haben starke Nebenwirkungen und bewirken, dass dein Hund geistig im Angstzustand bleibt, körperlich jedoch nicht reagieren kann. Vielleicht hattest du schon mal einen Albtraum, bei dem du panische Angst hattest, aber dich einfach nicht von der Stelle bewegen konntest. Horrorvorstellung, oder? Ja, und genau so geht es dei
During the car journey
Time management
A holiday means relaxation - it should! That's why we recommend that you plan your route generously so that you include enough stops. This helps you not to get into a hectic rush and offers your dog a sufficient balance. We plan day trips of 5 to 6 hours for us. This is pleasant for us to drive and not too long for the dogs. We either plan the route to the destination in advance, with hotels or we make spontaneous stops with our van and sleep in the car.
Breaks are very individual. Dogs that snuggle up in the car and sleep comfortably don't need to take a wee break every 2 hours. Dogs that don't like driving, on the other hand, need a short stop every 2-3 hours. They don't have to be long walks. 10-minute stops are enough. Your dog will easily be able to cope with the lack of exercise in one day. Caution! You should only walk your dog on a Leash at the rest stop. This is respectful of other people and dogs and safer for your dog. The hustle and bustle at a rest stop can quickly lead to an unexpected situation. While dogs can easily go without food for a few hours, they need enough liquid. Use every break to offer your dog some water. More often in summer than in winter.
Vitomalias Fazit
Planning and undertaking a long car journey with your dog may seem like a challenge at first, but if you take the right steps and pay attention to your dog's needs, the journey can be a memorable and enjoyable experience that will strengthen the bond between the two of you.
Proper preparation is the key to success. Make sure your dog is physically and mentally balanced before you get in the car. A suitable exercise session and mental activity will help to release excess energy and reduce stress. Create a travel plan that takes into account both your needs and those of your dog, including suitable breaks and rest periods.
During the journey, it is important that your dog feels safe and secure. The right equipment, such as safety harnesses, dog harnesses or transport boxes, will help to keep your dog comfortable and safe throughout the journey. Otherwise, you should provide appropriate activities to keep your dog mentally stimulated during the journey and help him to stay relaxed.
Don't forget to be aware of possible health risks that may lurk in different European countries and consult a vet before travelling to make sure your dog is protected against country-specific diseases.
By following these tips and taking care of your dog's well-being, you will create the basis for a successful and relaxed car journey. You will explore new places together, create unforgettable memories and further strengthen your special bond. Have a good journey and enjoy your adventures together!
Do I have to take my dog to the vet before travelling?
It is recommended to consult a vet before a long car journey to ensure that your dog is healthy and fit to travel. The vet can also check that all vaccinations are up to date and make recommendations for the journey if necessary.
How do I get my dog used to driving a car?
Getting your dog used to travelling by car is best done gradually. Start with short journeys and gradually increase the duration. Reward your dog with positive reinforcement and create a pleasant environment in the car. Make sure that your dog feels safe and comfortable
What equipment do I need for a safe car journey?
For a safe car journey with your dog, you will need safety harnesses or dog harnesses, a transport box or car blanket, car window protection and sun protection. It is important that the equipment fits properly and offers your dog sufficient safety and comfort.
How often should breaks be taken?
Breaks should be taken regularly to allow your dog to exercise and relieve himself. It is recommended to take a short break every two to three hours to allow your dog to stretch his legs and relieve himself. If your dog sleeps the entire car journey, a break is not necessary. Pay attention to your dog and his individual break needs.
What should I give my dog to eat and drink during the journey?
It's important to offer your dog plenty of water during the journey to keep them hydrated, but solid meals should be avoided before the journey as this can potentially lead to travel sickness. Light snacks and small portions are a good choice during the journey.
How can I keep my dog occupied during the journey?
You can keep your dog occupied during the journey with various activities such as Chew Toy, intelligence toys or treat balls, which provide mental stimulation and help to keep your dog calm and relaxed.
What can I do if my dog suffers from travel sickness?
If your dog is prone to travel sickness, there are some measures you can take. You can avoid feeding your dog before the journey, give him plenty of fresh air in the car, but it's best to talk to your vet about possible solutions beforehand.
How can I protect my dog from stress while travelling?
To reduce stress during the journey, create a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the car. Avoid loud noises and hectic movements. Distraction and positive reinforcement through toys, treats and a gentle voice can also help to calm your dog.
Are there any special regulations for travelling abroad with a dog?
Yes, each country has specific regulations for travelling with a dog. Find out in advance about the entry requirements of the destination country, including the necessary documents such as EU pet passport, vaccination certificate and possible quarantine regulations. Don't forget that certain rules may also apply to the import and export of animals when travelling across borders within the EU.