[Day 50] Food dummy search - The perfect activity for your dog
Basic obedience: Day 50 of 56
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.
Dogs are active creatures that need to be kept busy both physically and mentally. However, in an everyday life that is often characterised by work and other commitments, there is little time to meet the needs of our four-legged friends. There are simple and effective ways to keep dogs occupied in a meaningful way - and this is exactly where the food dummy search comes into play.
The food dummy search combines your dog's natural ability to use its nose with an exciting task. It is a joint-friendly and stress-reducing activity that not only keeps your dog busy, but also strengthens the bond between you. It is suitable for dogs of all ages and can be customised to your dog's individual needs.
In this blog you will find out why nose work is so valuable for dogs, the benefits of food dummy searches and how you can create new challenges with simple variations.
Goal: Your dog finds the hidden food dummy through nose work
Equipment: food dummy, food or treats, Harness and Long Leash if necessary
Location: Low-stimulus outdoor environment
Duration: hide 1 time
The importance of nose work
For dogs, the nose is the most important sensory organ - they experience and understand the world primarily through odours. Compared to us humans, dogs have around 220 million olfactory cells (humans only have around 5 million), which makes their ability to perceive the finest odours incomparable. Nose work is therefore not only a species-appropriate activity, but also a way to fulfil their natural instincts.
Nose work challenges your dog not only physically, but above all mentally. When sniffing and searching, your dog uses different areas of its brain that are responsible for concentration, problem solving and memory. An intensive sniffing session can therefore be just as strenuous as a long walk - with the advantage that it is easy on your dog's joints.
One of the most fascinating properties of nose work is its stress-reducing effect. As your dog sniffs, the production of stress hormones such as cortisol decreases and he becomes mentally and physically calmer. Dogs that regularly perform nose work often appear more relaxed and balanced, as they can use their energy wisely without getting into an agitated state.
From a canine point of view, nose work is one of the most natural forms of activity for dogs. It is based on the instincts and behaviours that dogs have inherited from their ancestors, the wolves. In the wild, wolves use their noses to track down prey, mark territories and decode social messages. The food dummy search picks up on precisely this natural search and exploration behaviour by giving your dog a task that challenges and fulfils him at the same time.

Advantages of the food dummy search
The food dummy search is a simple yet extremely effective activity for dogs. It offers numerous benefits that not only encourage your dog, but also strengthen your relationship as a team.
Joint-friendly activity
In contrast to many other activities, such as intensive running games or jumping, the food dummy search is particularly easy on the joints. Your dog moves slowly and in a controlled manner as it searches for the dummy with its nose. This makes this form of activity ideal for dogs of all ages - from puppies to older dogs or dogs with health restrictions.
Promotion of mental and physical utilisation
Searching for the food dummy not only appeals to your dog's physical level, but also its mental level. During the search, your dog is highly concentrated, analyses scent traces and works independently to solve his task. This combination of physical exercise and mental challenge leads to a holistic workout that leaves many dogs relaxed and satisfied after the exercise.
Strengthening the human-dog bond
Joint activities such as the food dummy search strengthen the bond between you and your dog. By giving your dog clear instructions and supporting him during the search, you build trust and positive cooperation. In addition, your dog experiences a sense of achievement through the release of the dummy and the subsequent reward, which he associates with you. This form of co-operation not only promotes obedience, but also creates positive emotions in your relationship.
How dogs learn to smell
The highly developed sense of smell enables dogs to perceive and analyse the finest scent molecules. For example, they can distinguish between several odours at the same time and even determine which direction an odour has taken. This makes searching for food dummies a species-appropriate and natural activity that promotes your dog's innate talent.
When a dog sniffs, several areas of the brain are activated. In addition to the olfactory centre, areas responsible for memory, problem-solving and decision-making also play a role. This means that while your dog is searching for the food dummy, it is also learning to use its nose in a targeted manner, analyse smells and make decisions.
From a canine perspective, this is a form of cognitive work that not only trains your dog's physical abilities, but also his brain. Young dogs in particular and those that need to be mentally challenged benefit from this type of activity.
ℹ The dog's nose
Dogs have around 220 million olfactory cells in their nose, compared to just 5 million in humans. But it's not just the number of olfactory cells that makes dogs outstanding sniffing experts. Their brains devote around 10% of their capacity to processing odours - a huge proportion compared to the 1% in humans.
You'll find the perfect equipment with us
Searching for food dummies is much more than just a fun activity - it is one of the most natural and species-appropriate ways to keep your dog mentally and physically active. The targeted use of the nose encourages your dog's natural abilities, while at the same time reducing stress and strengthening the bond between you and your dog.
A great advantage of this exercise is its versatility: whether you have a young, active dog or an older, calmer companion - the food dummy search can be adapted to your dog's needs. It is easy on the joints, can be customised and offers endless variations to keep the training exciting and challenging.
This form of exercise also strengthens the co-operation between you and your dog. You work as a team and your dog learns to rely on you and trust you. At the same time, he experiences a sense of achievement that boosts his motivation and self-confidence.
The food dummy search is a valuable part of your dog's weekly plan for mental and physical exercise. Over the next few days, you can look forward to more exciting activities that will show you how you can encourage your dog even more and enrich your life together.
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.